Acrylic Wedding Menu

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Acrylic dinner menus add sparkle to any event.
Clear acrylic provides depth, clarity, and beauty to your menue. These unique menues or place cards will be talked about for years. You can choose to print on the face or the back (second surface) of the acrylic, giving you 2 different looks.  We can custom cut the acrylic into different shapes.

Printed on 1/8" acrylic these works of art are stunning.

Print Surface 
Standard - 1st Surface
Acrylic can be printed on the front or back of the surface with different advantages. Printing on the front of the sign is called "Standard" or 1st surface print. Printing on this surface will give you a matte finish.
Second Surface
Second Surface printing is the most recommend. This type of printing creates a depth and sheen that can't be achieve with Standard printing and less likely to be scratched or damaged once installed. Bright lights can sometimes cause some glare on signs printed with the option of Second Surface. Softer and indirect lighting helps to avoid glare caused by bright lights.

Edge Finishing

Frosted Unpolished Edges.

This finish gives the edge of the acrylic a smooth polished edge with a sheen. 

Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
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